Friday, April 26, 2013

SD State Poetry Society

You are invited to an open-mic poetry reading event at the Dakota Discovery Museum in Mitchell, SD, on Saturday, June 1, 2013 starting at 1:00.Along with that we will be having a potluck taking place outdoors under an open-sided, roofed shelter, just on the south side of DDM.  Sloppy Joes will be provided and you can bring anything else you’d like to share.  If you’re undecided about what to bring, something chocolate

Is always a good choice.....

 If there are a lot of readers, we may have to allow only a couple of poems per person – a sign-up sheet or “white board” will be used to determine reading order.

Prior to the reading event, the South Dakota State Poetry Society will hold its annual general members Spring Meeting, starting at 11:30 a.m.  You’re welcome to attend.  It will be as brief as possible in order to concentrate on eating and visiting and poetry.

Hope to see you there!  And, please, tell me whether or not you’ll be attending.

All best,
Bruce Roseland,

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