Friday, November 22, 2013

Dahl Mountain Poetry contest

Media Advisory
For Immediate Release: 11/22/2013

For More Information:
Emma Rivers
Rapid City Arts Council
605.394.4101 x207                                        

WHAT: 1st Annual Dahl Mountain Poetry Competition
ENTRY DEADLINEFriday, January 3, 2014 | 5pm
WHERE: Dahl Arts Center | 713 7th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
WHY: To celebrate mountain culture and bring the outdoors in.

Dahl Mountain Poetry Competition – Call for Entries

The Rapid City Arts Council invites local and regional writers to participate in the 1st Annual Dahl Mountain Poetry Competition, part of the 10th Annual Dahl Mountain Culture Festival. Submission deadline is Friday, January 3, 2014 at 5pm.
This poetry competition is open to all ages and any style of poetry is welcome. Entries must be about mountain culture and poems should be 25 lines or less.

What is Mountain Culture? Mountain Culture is a way of life. It is the ideas, values and beliefs that are shared by people thriving in a robust environment, in or near mountainous terrain. The Rapid City Arts Council brings the outdoors in for a look at how we view mountain culture and our place in it. This competition reflects visions of mountain life featuring mountain wildlife, sports, folk and scenery by regional writers.
Board members of the South Dakota State Poetry Society will judge the competition and prizes will be awarded to the winning poem in both Youth and Adult categories. Winning authors will be invited to read their poem aloud at the Dahl Arts Center on Sunday, February 9, 2014, 3 - 5pm during the Dahl Mountain Culture Festival’s Amateur Film Contest screening. The top two entries in each category will be published in the DMCF booklet, on the Dahl/RCAC website and Facebook pages.

A complete set of instructions and entry forms are available online at, by phone at 605.394.4101 x200 or in person at the Dahl Arts Center, 713 7th Street, Rapid City, SD 57701.

The Dahl Arts Center is a municipal facility managed by the Rapid City Arts Council and receives support from generous members and donors, City of Rapid City, Allied Arts Fund, the South Dakota Arts Council through the Department of Tourism and State Development, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall Poet's Coffeehouse

Fall Poet's Coffeehouse

High Plains Writers, Backroom Productions, and the Rapid City Arts Council present:

The Fall Poet's Coffeehouse 

Nov. 15,  7:30 pm  in the Lien Cultural Cafe at the Dahl.
Come join us to share and enjoy the poetry of local artists.
Sign up to read at the event.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Festival of Books

Literary lovers need to check out the Festival of Books in Deadwood, SD.  There is going to be a plethora of authors presenting their works and talking about their genres.  I'm not sure what you call a group of authors.  I know it's pride of lions and flock of geese.  My best bet is coffee house.  You can go and see a coffee house of authors.  Some might argue that a wine bar of authors would be more accurate, but let's not incite vice in the underage aspiring writers.

While the pamphlet states that the festival will go from Friday through Sunday, it looks like the majority of the action is happening on Saturday.  There will be speakers on various subjects, mostly sorted by category into children's/Y.A., fiction, history/tribal, non-fiction, poetry, and writer's support.  A lot of the talks in the same category will be held in the same building such children's/Y.A. topics being held in Lead-Deadwood Elementary. 

Not all of the events are free, and some that are free still require a ticket, so go online and register.  Then go and enjoy a day filled with books.  Of course, that is every day for the High Plains Writers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

August poetry reading @ The Dahl

High Plains Writers is teaming up with the Dahl to present our first summer poetry reading.  Come and join us.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Homicidal Suitor

Saturday afternoon, May 4, 2013

The Homicidal Suitor

Everyone thought she knew what she was doing, and
maybe she did when May winds blew in early. But
between her recovery with the one-eyed tattooed circus man &
her re-ocurring visions of pinwheel cookies,
she knew she had a winner. But only if
she could knock off the bearded lady. She was
a regular at the circus, someone known
to fit in and out of tents. No one knew
her name but all knew her face. The bearded
goat called from the yard again, he loved her face. She
moved away from the window, sat down in a chair,
and took up a book. She turned to the last page
and began to sink into the world
created by her new favorite adventure author.
Adventures were often on her mind since she
had a cat named Fred who often shit in her gardening
shoes. But what could she do? Fred was her soul mate
despite the fact that his breath smelled like B.O.
She leaned in anyway and whispered, “Do you
how much is a train ticket to Peru?” He replied,
his breath like a porcupine against her eyelids, “No, I
just can't do it. You're a nice woman and all,
but I'm just not interested in nice women. Not
into women at all. Don't be fooled by the butch
exterior, sweet thing. I'm more woman than you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

SD State Poetry Society

You are invited to an open-mic poetry reading event at the Dakota Discovery Museum in Mitchell, SD, on Saturday, June 1, 2013 starting at 1:00.Along with that we will be having a potluck taking place outdoors under an open-sided, roofed shelter, just on the south side of DDM.  Sloppy Joes will be provided and you can bring anything else you’d like to share.  If you’re undecided about what to bring, something chocolate

Is always a good choice.....

 If there are a lot of readers, we may have to allow only a couple of poems per person – a sign-up sheet or “white board” will be used to determine reading order.

Prior to the reading event, the South Dakota State Poetry Society will hold its annual general members Spring Meeting, starting at 11:30 a.m.  You’re welcome to attend.  It will be as brief as possible in order to concentrate on eating and visiting and poetry.

Hope to see you there!  And, please, tell me whether or not you’ll be attending.

All best,
Bruce Roseland,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Juried Prize Winners

1st Prize to Lesleigh Owen for the poem: Blue

2nd Prize to Donna Parks for the poem: A Harmony of Frogs

3rd Prize to Christopher Baker for the poem: Heirloom


Honorable mentions to:

·         Tom Roberts for the poem: Father

·         Marsha Mittman for the poem: Three chickens

·         Jason Freyensee for the poem: Inevitability after the Starting Gun